Instalar Php Serial Extension
PHP is one of the most used server side programming language. Mostly PHP becomes the reason for a website to become slow, for that reason PHP is a modular language and all the PHP modules/extensions are not installed by default so that it can be as light weight as possible. Install fileinfo php extension. Ask Question. Up vote 5 down vote favorite. As the fileinfo is moved from PECL to PHP. What is the best way to install it through WHM or putty.? I tried following command: pecl install fileinfo and received following error. I had the same problem, there was no extension=php_soap.dll in my php.ini But this was because I had copied the php.ini from a old and previous php version (not a. I'm trying to install Laravel on Ubuntu 14.04, i installed php 7, not php 5, when i try to run 'laravel new project' i got the message. [RuntimeException] The Zip PHP extension is not installed.
- The PHP Extension Community Library (PECL) is a repository for PHP Extensions, providing a directory of all known extensions and hosting facilities for downloading and development of PHP extensions. If you have developed an extension for your own uses, you might want to think about hosting it on PECL so that others with the same needs can.
- This is a loadable extension for PHP running on Windows implementing serial port handling and communications. Once installed in PHP environment you can programm PHP applications to control serial device hosted on server from remote location; these.
- This is a loadable extension for PHP running on Windows implementing serial port handling and communications. Once installed in PHP environment you can programm PHP applications to control serial device hosted on server from remote location; these devices can be anything from video switcher, cameras.
I don't know, why do I always come up with weird errors here :D.
Recently I have been facing an error, most like related to PHP-bcmath extension for php7.
The extension is installed in the environment, yet it's not loaded onto the system.
This is confirmed by as when I try to install the extension, this message is shown:
Package php-bcmath-7.0.8-1.el6.remi.x86_64 already installed and latest versionNothing to do
It's related to WordPress and I'm using amazon AMI Linux to host a WordPress environment.
This extension is required to use a plugin called Wp-Statistics, and I need PHP-bcmath to show the geo-location function.
Jan 30, 2018 Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB 3.0.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x. Clean colors and simple design of Metro UI will suit any kind of forum community. The premium theme is compatible with all the modern browsers. The Metro theme is a fully responsive theme – it looks excellent on both desktops, laptops, tablets or phone. Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB 3.0.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x. Clean colors and simple design of Metro UI will suit any kind of forum community. The premium theme is compatible with all the modern browsers. The Metro theme is a fully responsive theme – it looks excellent on both desktops, laptops, tablets or phone screens! Home Files Forums PhpBB Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB3. Discussion on Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB3 Item Details; Reviews; Comments. Moreover the difference between Metro for phpBB 3.2.1 and 3.2.2 is just a few dozen of html structure fixes that don’t even touch any login templates. Buy Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB3 by PixelGoose on ThemeForest. Metro — A Responsive Theme for phpBB 3.0.x, 3.1.x and 3.2.x Clean colors and simple design of Metro UI will suit any. Best responsive theme for wordpress. Preview Metro A Responsive Theme for php. BB3 Forums Php. Get all the latest premium and free phpBB 3, phpBB 3.1, phpBB 3.2 styles. Quality phpBB3 templates and responsive phpBB3 skins.
I tried to install the same extension in another environment which was also a Wordpress site running on Debian, the extension was successfully loaded and the plugin was working well.
Now for this AMI Linux, Is there any way around to load the extension as it says that it's already installed ?
1 Answer
open /etc/apt/sources.list
in editor Conexant audio driver fix for hp laptops.
run apt-get update
and run:
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I've never done this, so I'm looking for detailed guidance. I'm trying to use the Evernote API to create a PHP page. I've downloaded their SDK and it says I need to install OAuth extension for PHP. I have WAMPSERVER installed on my local machine (Windows 7). I've tried reading the manual but I can't even figure out what to download :SIs this a fairly straightforward process?
annaanna4 Answers
Get the precompiled dll from
Search the page for oauth and choose the one for your machine.
Put that .dll file in your PHP extensions directory. Find the extensions area in your php.ini file and add this to it:
restart WAMP server
NormundsPThe PHP site gives great instructions on how to install PHP extensions on Windows. Just Find the *.dll in the PECL, and follow these instructions. You can get the OAuth library here.
Php Serial Port
I had the same issues trying to set this up myself. A lot of the information on stackoverflow on this subject is good but outdated. You can get the latest oAuth libraries on the site here now:
However, I also had some issues getting it to work with WAMP since the version of PHP they provided was out of date and didn't work with the extensions there. To fix this I had to manually add php versions to WAMP. You can follow this guide on how to do that:
I'm using WAMPServer (x64) with PHP5.6.25 & I want to install 'Blesta', the requirements need 'Pecl - Mailparse', So:
- I download 'PHP Mailparse v2.1.6 (PHP v5.6)(Thread Safe)(vc11)(x64)'
- I extract the download file in 'C:wamp64binphpphp5.6.25ext' folder
- I add 'extension=php_mailparse.dll' to file 'C:wamp64binphpphp5.6.25phpForApache.ini' but at the end of 'Dynamic Extensions'
- Restart the WAMPServer
- Install 'Blesta'
Note for #3 Example: